martedì 14 febbraio 2012

Friends of Kyoto Protocol’s activities in 2011

- FKP focused on enlarging the network of grass-root organizations based on:
1) existing FKP’s main subsidiaries in Poland, Hungary, and its network members in Bulgaria and Romania,
2) contacting new grass-root organizations especially in Eastern Europe to enlarge its network.
Negotiations were a bit lenghty with some organizations. However many Eastern European grass-root organizations showed an interest in joining our network and FKP Italy is selecting the new members of its network.

- FKP organized some conferences and workshops on how EU emission reduction ceilings are fixed in some Eastern European countries where FKP network members are based and in Italy too.
In addition FKP organized  bimontly online meetings with FKP network members in Eastern Europe (6 per year). During these meetings there was a flow of information about EU policies in the climate change area.
FKP Italy normally follows up the results of EU meetings on climate change, analyze them and explains them to its network members, which need a simplified explanation of the new environmental policies adopted by EU institutions.
FKP Italy received feedbacks (emails) after 1-2 weeks after the online meeting, with specific comments on the problems of the application of the new EU policies in the specific Eastern European countries where its network members are based.

-  Awareness raising activities: Workshops in local schools in Italy and Eastern Europe about EU climate change policies. Conferences were focused on the EU's commitment to achieve a 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 as well as the EU's conditional offer to move to a 30% reduction by 2020 compared to 1990.

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