What is the REDD
REDD stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. It is a set of uncoordinated iniciatives around the world to reduce emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. There is no central body administering REDDs iniciatives. A set of basic rules for REDDs is currently being devised by REDD+ Partnership and UNFCCC negotiations.
At the Oslo Climate and Forest Conference on 27 May 20101 to provide a voluntary, non-legally binding framework for the interim REDD+ Partnership finalized to develop and implement collaborative REDD+ efforts a document was adopted: http://www.oslocfc2010.no/pop.cfm?FuseAction=Doc&pAction=View&pDocumentId=25019
A specific role was designed, among others, for stakeholders (ngos, international organizations, private sector, etc.).
What is the REDDs network
REDDs network is an initiative of Friends of Kyoto Protocol an international organization present in Italy and in Brazil to create a network of local organizations (grass-root ngos, private and public sector organizations, etc.) to have a common voice at REDD+ Partnership and UNFCCC negotiations on REDDs.
REDDs are the most important item on the agenda of negotiations on environmental issues. There have been lots of discussions on REDDs but there is very little knowledge of the problems of negotiations on REDDs.
Friends of Kyoto Protocol (FKP) participated to the first technical meeting of the REDD+ Partnership in Brasilia and has been continuously updated on the other meetings.
FKP is fully aware of the problems dragging REDDs negotiations: the biggest issue is the stakeholder participation, which is fragmented and difficult to implement and accept.
Why REDDs network?
Some members states in REDD+ Partnership have indeed a problem in accepting a full stakeholder participation. That problem might be overcome by the creation of a REDDs network of local organizations which would have a unite voice in the negotiations in the partnership and in the UNFCCC in Cancoon and thereafter.
Your affiliation to REDDs network
FKP is promoting the creation of REDD network especially for grass-root organizations and ask you to become an affiliate of the REDDs network and your organizations to do the same. There is no fee for the affiliation as our interest is to create a network to start a common ground for the negotiations soon.
Little time to save the world’s forests
Forests are currently destroyed around the world and the time to save them is limited.
I hope each of you will join our effort to create this network to save the world’s forest.
Massimo Buonomo
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